Have you run into fake products before? Maybe you noticed a designed handbag or some other product with a price tag that seemed too good to be true. Even with all your concerns, you could not stop yourself from buying it. However, once you got back home and checked it thoroughly, you realized it was a counterfeit.
This plague did not leave any industry untouched, vape included. There are more counterfeit variants of real cotton candy vapes in the market right now than you can count! So, you need to learn to know which is fake and which is genuine.
1. Below-Par Cardstock
How will you recognize a fake product? One of the most common characteristics is a beat-up package. Even if the product inside looks new, the packaging looks as if it has been in the grinder. That is because the manufacturers of fake devices often pack the products in flimsy cardstock to reduce production costs.
2. Low-Grade Printing
Another major difference between real and fake vapes is that the print quality on the fake product is noticeably poorer compared to legitimate cotton candy vapes. That is because the makers of fake products do not have the original digital templates used to create the real deal. That means a counterfeiter has to resort to scans of the original packages or recreate the digital assets from scratch – something in which they fail more often than not.
3. Incorrect Nicotine Warning
In almost every region where vaping and associated products are legalized and regulated by the government, the products have to be displayed with a prominent nicotine warning on every package. The warning almost always looks the same on every product. If it appears different on a package or does not have a nicotine warning at all, it is probably a counterfeit product.
4. Poor Fit & Finish
Disposable vapes are pocket-friendly and incredibly popular right now. Also, people use them for a few days or weeks before replacing them, which means they are less likely to spot a fake disposable vape. That is why disposable devices are counterfeited more than reusable products. Even then, a counterfeit product should stand out with its misaligned parts and peeling paint.
5. A Funky Taste & Feel
Maybe there is a specific vaping product that you are fond of. You buy it regularly. It might be a disposable vape or an e-liquid flavor. Regardless of what it is, you should be able to spot a fake product because it will not taste or feel right. If you have concerns regarding the authenticity of a product, pay attention to your experience when using it. Stop the moment you find something amiss.
Well, there you have it – a list of pointers that will help you spot fake vapes. Never use them if you buy counterfeit products by mistake. If possible, return them to the buyer and ask for genuine cotton candy vapes as replacements.
We are a space-themed vape brand specializing in manufacturing and selling high-quality, technologically advanced vape devices.
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